Thursday, July 24, 2008

The World and mindless bigots

I am so tired of watching the world implode because of mindless bigots. My definition of a mindless bigot is an uneducated or undereducated and stupid person who believes themselves above anybody and everybody. They are not. Rather they are a sorrowful lot without direction. The only thing that can satisfy them is putting down and trying to demoralize others.

Here we all are on a spinning globe in the universe going who knows where. There are billions of other globes similar to ours and some may have life just like ours but on this one we know life.
Among other life forms, it is composed of people just like you and me. The only difference among us all is the color of our skin. This is the "only" thing that differs.
We all have the same body parts.
We all bleed 'red' when we're hurt.
We all love our children and families.
We all get hungry.
We all get thirsty.
We all want a good life on this spinning globe.
We all want to see our children have a successful life.
We all want to be happy.
And on and on and on.............
The only difference is the color of our skin.

Why cannot everybody understand this? Maybe they do but it behooves them to belittle someone else because they're afraid of what they seee in the mirror.

It's late now and I need to get some rest. I'll continue this at a later date but please post your thoughts and let's chat.